Up for Discussion: Books Made Into Movies: Amazing or Epic Fail?

So… novels and series made into movies.
I’m a reader and when talking about this with my friends who are readers, we are always of the same mind. Seeing the movie never meets the expectations of the book that wrapped its way around our hearts.
In fact I can’t think of one movie I’ve ever seen that was as good as or better than the book(s).
Some movies even killed the book for me—and not in a good way. Ie Twilight. Edward Cullen of the Twilight movie was certainly not my dreamy Edward of the novels. Sorry Robert Patten, you just don’t hold a candle to the burning hot Edward I’d fancied up.

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What do you think?

Gone Girl  Hunger Games  Harry Potter  Twilight  The Notebook  The Princess Bride  The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe  The Devinci Code  The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo  Little Women  My Sister’s Keeper  Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants  Interview with The Vampire  Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants  The YaYa Sister Club 
And can’t forget the classics just to name a few of my favorites, what are yours?

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