Happy New Year of Reading from BookBangs

A lot of people make resolutions this time of year. 

Not this chick. 

Cheers to you who don't make New Year's resolutions and make a reading list instead...

Can't stop the mental tally of books--books by your favorite authors coming out, and all the new authors yet to be discovered on your reading list?
You've arrived at the right  place! Book Bangs keeps track of the best books coming out and wants to hear from you.

What books are you waiting on in 2015? 

What genres do you hope to find new favorite authors?

You probably know by now I can't get enough rock stars, mc club, and shapeshifters. I hope to meet many more and reunion with just as many in 2015. I'd list my favorites but it's late, I've been drinking, and I might leave some out. Saving that list of bad boys for another day.

#HappyNewYear of #Reading from #BookBangs

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