Badass Book Society is now taking applications for Badass Professionals.
Are you a Badass Professional? Have you been working with authors in the Indie Publishing world for longer than 2 years? Can you provide at least 4 references from authors or publishers attesting to your work? Do you frequently help other individuals that are not your client for the benefit of the industry? Are you willing to give a discount to Badass Book Society Members? If you answered yes to these questions, you are just the type of Badass Indie Publishing Professional Badass Book Society is looking for. Badass Book Society is looking for Indie Publishing Professionals in the following areas:- Cover Design
- Editing
- Translation
- Interior & Formatting Layout Design
- Personal Assistants
- PR & Marketing
- Publishing Consultants
- Publishing/Book Packagers
- Tour Coordinators
Benefits of Membership
- Access to private professional only and author/professional forums
- Opportunity to be on at least 1 podcast at least once annually. Podcasts will be perpetually available and promoted indefinitely.
- Benefit from Badass Book Society Marketing & PR blitzes.
- Professional landing page with information about your service/company/history, logo, social media contacts, listing of services, examples of work (if possible with image) as well as up to 4 testimonials from happy clients.
- email address
- Additional benefits are in the planning stages and will be announced soon.
About Badass Book Society
Over the course of several weeks—months, actually—an editor, cover designer, author, publishing consultant, and blogger all hung out and discussed what was going on in the Indie publishing arena. Tales of individuals marketing themselves as editors without even a moderate understanding of grammar rules, blog tours with absolutely zero engagement and planning, embarrassing covers, formatting that was a jumbled mess, and authors who brow-beat reviewers for poor reviews were just a few of the things discussed with this Publishing Round-table.
It's Alive! It's Alive!
These individuals decided they wanted readers to have a place where they were guaranteed a Badass Reading experience. A place where the reader could be sure the book they purchased was professionally written, edited, formatted, covered, and promoted. So, Badass Book Society was born.
It's Alive! It's Alive!
Then we started thinking...What constitutes a Badass Author? Is it an author who has a large following on social media? An author who consistently hits the Best Seller list (or says they do, anyway)? Or is a Badass Author an author who takes their writing and publishing seriously? Someone who pays or barters for editing, formatting, covers, promotion. You know, someone who puts their money where their mouth is.
It's Alive! It's Alive!
While these professionals were sitting around brainstorming, the idea of having a directory, of sorts, to list reputable Indie publishing professionals started to take hold. What if we could list Badass Professionals who went above and beyond for their authors? What if we listed those Professionals who had the experience, knowledge, and originality to always produce stellar results? So, Badass Professionals was born.
A call for Badass Authors is imminent but you can find out more about becoming a Badass Author at
For More Information:
Example of Professional's Landing Page: Pricing: Email:
all about the books and the men in them
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